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The Right Drug, for the Right Patient, at the Right Time
With our proprietary training method creation, you'll be providing proactive, strategic initiatives to your stakeholders, resulting in long-term intrinsic value and customer trust.
Request a discovery call or use the contact form to connect.



As your management consultants: 

​​​​​​Addressing your focus, budget and timeline, we create a motivated and high-performing medical affairs operational structure regarding support of a specific launch. We assess and bring key recommendations to create a 3-year scalable Medical Affairs organization business plan for each functional area.

As your agency: 

​​​​​​We create executive and C-level business cases for VPs, CMOs, COOs and heads medical affairs organizations to help you prove FTE need and expand your team. We deliver customized success models, benchmarking, content development, policies and departmental optimization solutions for:

  • Medical information

  • Medical communications

  • Publications

  • Patient journey mapping

  • MSL expansion

  • Patient education programs

  • Patient advocacy

As your training advisor:

​​​​We provide world-class training programs that foster best-in-class success models across healthcare:

  • Patient Centricity

  • Vision/Values/Mission

  • Creating Cohesive teams post-reorganization

  • Training Visionary Leadership

  • Workshops & Team-building Events

  • Keynotes That Unify Teams

  • and much more


Employees shouldn't be undervalued and overworked, and departments shouldn't be siloed.

That is merely a prescription for burnout and turnover.

With our method, your teams keep their eyes and values on what's most important: the patient.

It's a fact that mission/vision driven teams drive profitable companies, lead happier lives, and ultimately transform the lives of our oncology and rare oncology patients.

Your department used to
High Stress for Compliance / Stakeholder Disengagement
Understaffing scenarios and inevitable organizational changes take their toll on your functional area while you are struggling to ensure compliance, execute on inquiry load and plan for exponential corporate growth and launches with aggressive pipelines.

Disconnection From the Patient
Managing medical affairs teams, and the support functions they provide across a variety of interdependent functions isn't easy, especially within complicated, growing organizations. New culture, rapid growth and lack of clear communication to your key stakeholders results in an operational vacuum.

Lack of Demonstrable Strategy
It’s hard to directly track how Medical Information or any MA function can lead to ROI, especially if your department is seen as a task-oriented call center or operates independent of the rest of the organization. Without vision and value-oriented proactive tactics, your team is at risk for a budget cut.
Now, your department
Excellence in Communications
We can ensure that your MI operation operates in compliance with increasing regulatory demands across country markets and provides the right data-driven tools for field medical support, TA and medical communications support and sales force training.

Mission-Driven Productive Teams
We position Global Medical Information teams as a central support function in MA providing a wide variety of custom strategic drivers by understanding interdependencies within your Medical Affairs department.

Insight-Driven Scientific Research
By focusing on the patient first and implementing our proprietary C-O-R-E Method, medical affairs drive insights into research that showcases your department as key strategic niche within your organization.

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